Today is October 1st, which means there is one month left until NaNoWriMo begins.
For those who don't know, NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month. There's an official website: that can explain things better that I can. But I'm going to try. It's this yearly thing, like a contest that writers do. The challenge: write 50,000 words in one month, basically a short novel. It takes place every November from the 1st to the 30th. This will be my third year doing this and I'm very excited. You don't actually *win* anything, just the pride that you wrote a novel in a month. And you can't write the same word over and over again; there's a system that will make sure you're truthful. There are fourums on the website, where I lurk quite a bit, especially once November comes around. It's a nice place for writers to come together, especially when they're in distress, which happens quite a bit.
This year is going to be a little insane because I'm in nursing school and it's a lot of work on its own. Plus I'm going to be blogging about my experience. I'm not sure if I'll actually finish, but I can at least try.
I've been plotting since about the beginning of September, I think. I can't remember exactly. Some people start even earlier. I just didn't start getting any ideas until about September. I'm working on outlining. I outline pretty rigidly. It just doesn't seem to work if I don't have a plan. So I'm outlining.
This year's novel is called The Gift of Fire. It's the first book of a series called The Desidar Chronicles. I've actually been trying to write The Desidar Chronicles since 7th grade, but I'm taking a new approach. This first book is actually something completely different though a couple characters from later books are starting to make an appearance. Right now, I don't have a point where Book 1 ends and Book 2 begins. I'm just going to worry about that later.
I'm still waiitng for the forums on the NaNoWriMo website to be wiped clean (they wipe them clean October 1st) because that's when things really start. It probably won't be wiped clean until this afternoon.
This is the summary for my novel: Darkness is spreading througout Desidar. Whispers of the dark Elf-witch Leillasa spreads through the Elven kingdom of Huhala. When the city is threatened by this strange dark power, the great lady Mirai sends the two princes away to seek refuge. However, the twin prices Keian and Kayden stumble by accident into the human realm of Mer and meet the fiery prince Ayden. Suddenly, things aren't so easy as Keian falls for the human prince, but he's been promised to another...
It needs some work. But I can work on that later. The outline isn't finished yet. I'm up to chapter 13, I think. No. Chapter 14. My bad. I'm a little stuck. I have a new MC (the other one kind of DIED) and he's rather reluctant to get going on his journey. It's really frustrating.