Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Hello. I decided to get a blog just for the hell of it. I have no idea what I'm doing so please bear with me. I'm not expecting a lot of people to read this so I'll write what's on my mind and it might involve some swearing. Okay, maybe a lot of swearing. I'll try and keep it to a minimun whenever I can. I also apologize for my spellling. I suck. There's a spell check but chances are, I'll be too lazy to use it. Also, my fingers fail at typing and I don't always catch the mistakes I make. And I don't always finish my sentences. Oops.

I am a Nursing student at Northern Michigan University way up in Marquette, Michigan. I don't actually live here--I'm from downstate, but I've been up here four years except for during the summer when I live with my parents. When I eventually move back downstate, I'll change my location back to my hometown. Like I said, I'm a Nursing student, but I'm also getting a Bachelor's Degree in English/Writing, which is kind of why I decided to start a blog. I love writing--it's my biggest passion in life, and this seemed like a good idea.

I'm actually going to be a senior next fall, but I'm just starting the Nursing program, so I still have at least two and a half years to go before I can graduate. Since I'm a double major, it'll probably take even longer. The reason why I just got into the Nursing program is because it's very competitive. First you have to take all sorts of prerequisites like Chemistry, Anatomy, Physiology, Psychology, Sociology, Microbiology, Nutrition, and so on. I didn't do so well the first time around in Anatomy so I had to retake it. Then because of that, I had to wait to take Microbiology because they only offer it in the fall. I ended up taking it over the summer at Washtenaw Community College so it didn't matter. But anwyay, I applied and didn't get into the Nursing program in Fall 2009. I applied again in the fall of 2009 for Winter 2010, didn't get in again, and finally applied this winter (Winter 2010) for Fall 2010 and I FINALLY got in. I was SO freaking happy that I finally got in. Even though my schedule sucks. Something to look forward to. Yippee.

I'm not going to go into all the boring details about myself. I have two parents, an 18 year-old brother who's graduating this year, and a dog named Jake. He's...ten or eleven years old and still acts like a puppy. He's a beagle mix, though he's a REALLY big beagle. I'm talking about 60ish pounds (though he probably weighs more now). We think he's part Australian Shepherd, which accounts for his size. But sometimes when he barks, you can hear the trademark beagle howl. It's really funny. The least you need to know is that my name is Katie, I'm 20 (turning 21 April 25th) and I currently live in Marquette. My hometown is a little place called Plymouth (though I actually live out in the country between Plymouth and Ann Arbor). That's all the personal information I'm giving out.

I'll probably post my some of my writing on here. It'll be a good way for me to get feedback (if anyone even reads it, haha). I'm very very picky about my writing. I'm not normally a perfectionist, but when it comes to my writing, I am. I like to write novels. Fiction. Sometimes short stories if I'm forced to for a class. I'm not the best writer in the world and it usually takes a bunch of drafts for me to produce something good, but I like writing.

I'll think of a name for my blog one of these days. I suck at titles. I also will eventually make my blog look more pretty. Once I'm able to figure it out.

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