Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Stuff From Yesterday I Neglected to Mention

I was going to write about this yesterday, but I forgot: French. I was too busy worrying about getting my short story that's due today finished. I hate deadlines!! Anyway, I'm taking French 102 this semester. I took 101 last semester. I took French all four years in high school and I went to Paris for a week my junior year of high school so this was a refresher course for me. So yesterday we played some games. First we played Pictionary. It's all right, just that I can't draw worth a damn. But we still did all right. Then we continued the game using the same points we got during Pictionary to transform these sentences and whoever transformed them first got the point. That was a bit harder because French grammar sucks and it makes my head hurt.

Guess what?

My team won.

We got some candy for that. Then we had to work in pairs for the next assignment. We were given a sheet and we had to do it correctly. After we were done, we took it up to her and she corrected it. If there were things wrong, we had to go back and correct it. If not, we were given the next sheet and we had to do the same thing. There were four sheets.

And my partner and I were done first.

We got more candy. After that, we had to write a poem based off the one we had read in the previous class. I think it was just busy work to keep us, well, busy, since the rest of the class was still on the four sheet assignment.

Normally, I'm not competitive. I don't like competing. But I couldn't help feeling at least a bit good for doing well yesterday in class. Thursday, we were supposed to have a quiz, but she decided to push it back and give us time to work on our projects for the Children's Museum. What we have to do is create a radio program in French and English and record it. We were given some time a couple class periods back to work on it, but there were only two of us present out of four. Now that other girl dropped and SHE had all the stuff we were working on. I think one of my other group members will be able to get all the stuff from her (they're friends) because I reeeally don't want to start over. I'm not happy with this project at all. I don't have the time or the motivation to work on it at all. I just can't bring myself to care. Which isn't good. But I just don't care.

Ugh, I have to go finish my short story for EN400. I have to pass out a copy to every student in my class today for workshop on Monday. Which is like 18 copies. And my story is currently 7 pages and only getting longer. Hopefully my ink and paper will last.

I'm off to go kill off a ton of trees by printing this behemoth off. Provided I get it finished. It doesn't have to be complete, at least I don't think so. I just have to turn in a full draft at the end of the semester. I'm going to talk to my EN400 professor about that today. We don't have a final, just a porfolio that includes a comparative paper and a revised copy of our long story. Well, the porfolio is due on April 26th (which happens to be one day after my 21st birthday). And guess what? I have two other finals that same day. So naturally, I'm dreading finals week this year. Hopefully, she'll let me turn it in beforehand. Not after. Before. Maybe she'll let me and maybe she won't. I hope she will because I can't handle having two actual finals, which are my two language finals too, meaning I'll have to study like hell, and the porfolio with the revised draft of my long story and my comparative paper.

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