Monday, May 31, 2010

Dante's Requiem Character List

This list is subject to change because some charaters will be added and others removed. I'll try and keep it up to date the best I can.

Dante-main character
Arlen-main character
Gabriel-semi-main character
Heather-very minor character
Shepherd-main antagonist
Fyran-minor character
Alex-prominent supporting character
Naomi-minor character
Raphael-very minor character
Hunter-supporting character
Ivana-main antagonist
Raelynne-very minor character
Vance-supporting character
Dr. White-minor character
John-main antagonist
Ingleson-main antagonist
Devyn-very minor character
Taran-very minor character
Dr. Ryan-very minor character (I don't even remember who this person is. D: I have too many characters)
Daire-minor character
Aleksei-minor character
Xander-prominent supporting character
Caelyn-minor character
Hayden-historical character
Harou-historical character
Janet-very minor character (I don't even remember who she is. Hopefully no one important)
Jayden-historical character
Bryan-historical character
Kyle Ingleson-historical character
Aiden-minor character
Adrian-minor character
Ann-minor character
Basil-Council member
Brock-minor character
Carmine-Council member
Cassandra-minor character
Evelyn-supporting character
Inessa-Council member
Katina-Council member
Keagen-very minor character
Luna-minor character
Lisa-? (Who the hell is she? I forget!!)
Patrick-minor character
Rihanna-very minor character
Luna-Council member
Spenser-Council member
Taralyn-minor character
Yasmin-Council member
Yuki-very minor character
Zeke-Council member
Danielle (Dani)-minor character
Heather-minor character
Brad-very minor character. Named only.
Emily-very minor character. Named only.
Christopher (Chris)-very minor character. Named only.
Brenden-minor character
Rachelle-minor character
Henry-minor character

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

What To Do When You Realize You Don't Know Your Main Character Like At All

I just realized as I was preparing to write an entry about Dante, my MC, that I don't know him, like at all. Which scares the hell out of me because I've been writing him for more than a year. And I barely know anything past his basic info: Name, Date of Birth, Blood Type, etc., but other than that, I don't really know too much about him. I do know his personality a bit, but like I said, it's not a whole lot. So what I'm gonna do is head up to the store and buy a huge 5 subject notebook like I did for the other story I'm plotting for next year's NaNoWriMo (or this year's, I guess you could say now) and start writing down everything I can. The other thing I did for this story is use binder clips to clip each section together. Like for instance, I have a bunch of stuff about the main character Danya, so for all his stuff, I use a blue binder clip. And for plot stuff, I have a yellow binder clip. And for another main character's info I have a green binder clip. It's really hard to explain. But it works beautifully. So tomorrow I have to go up to the store and get another 5-subject notebook plus small binder clips that I can use to organize everything. Fun fun.

And So I Return...

It's been a while since I posted anything. Not that anyone reads it anyway. But I have decided that I'm going to focus on the book I'm writing. Actually, there are two books that I'm writing. The first is called Dante's Requiem. The second is its yet-unnamed sequel. It used to be called Identity but I decided that I hate the title so I'm gonna rename it. I just haven't decided waht to name it yet. It'll come to me eventually, I think. -_- I suck badly at titles. So I'm gonna start blogging about Dante's Requiem. Eventually I might post chapters here, if I ever get that far. Not that I'm expecting anyone to read this. I'll start my ramblings in another post and maybe I'll even figure out how to link the posts or something to make them really accessible. If I can figure it out.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Adventures in Driving

Worked again today. Got up earlier, at 8 instead of 8:15, so I could make my lunch. It didn't really take that long. I had to be careful about what I packed because some of the kids have allergies, some of them severe. But it was all right in the end. I was going to leave a bit earlier--I got ready at about 8:50 because I knew it was going to take some time to get things set up and stuff. It took me a really long time to get the GPS system set up. I ended up leaving almost five minutes late. But it was okay because I had plenty of time to get there. Traffic was actually light today, especially compared to yesterday. Yesterday there were a ton of people on the road. Today there weren't nearly as many though there were still quite a few. I didn't really have a problem until I got to 696. There wasn't really a problem until I tried to get off at Southfield Road. I just got a bit lost and mixed up. I got off 696 only to get back on it again. I had to go around the block and figure out where the hell I was going. I was only a little later than I thought I'd be and I was still early. While I was trying to park, I almost got hit twice while backing up. Scared the living daylights out of me. I was still early. I got settled in and started working. Today was better because I had a better idea of what to do. The kids were a lot friendlier. They were older. I think that's why. I liked them a lot better than the younger kids. They were a lot easier to deal with, although some of them were still a bit rowdy. And lunch was better because I actually had one to eat. I set it up all by myself though one of the teachers came in and helped. I was trying to be careful because one of the kids in that room was severely allergic to peanuts, milk, and shellfish, I think. Everything turned out all right. Oh yeah, they had a couple rooms open and I was in the art room. That was how I met a bunch of the kids. And one of them gave me a picture. It was so sweet!

Anyway, that afternoon, I stayed in the science room with Fabi, one of the teachers. They learned about bugs and stuff. It was fun. They split up into three or four groups and rotated. I could have moved to the different rooms, but I was happy in the science room. I got to go home early, which was nice. But I forgot my water bottle. I just emailed my boss and she said she'd rinse it out and keep it until Friday, when I work again.

Driving home was a pain in the ass. I got lost on Southfield road trying to find the freeway. I did a lot of driving around the block. I'm sure the people on the road thought I was nuts. There wasn't a lot of problems until 275. Like right before the ramp to 14, there was something going on. I'm not really sure what. A firetruck came and blocked the right lane, which is where I was, so I had to change lanes, which was hard. I was a bit less stressed after I got to 14. I finally got home. So I don't work until Friday, which is really nice. I'm glad I have the day off tomorrow. I need a break.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

It's been a while. Heh, that always seems to happen with me. Things got hectic for a while. But I'm back home and all settled in. And I'm working. I got a job at a preschool called St. James in Birmingham. Birmingham, Michigan, that is. It's right in downtown and it's really nice. It was a long day, especially since I didn't bring a lunch. Gonna do that tomorrow. It was fun. I love working with kids. This group was 3 and 4, I think. I'm not a hundred percent sure. Some of them were wild and others were really quiet. It was a nice mix. I work in May and June and that's it. So I have to find another job because I really need the money. Oh. Yay.