Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Adventures in Driving

Worked again today. Got up earlier, at 8 instead of 8:15, so I could make my lunch. It didn't really take that long. I had to be careful about what I packed because some of the kids have allergies, some of them severe. But it was all right in the end. I was going to leave a bit earlier--I got ready at about 8:50 because I knew it was going to take some time to get things set up and stuff. It took me a really long time to get the GPS system set up. I ended up leaving almost five minutes late. But it was okay because I had plenty of time to get there. Traffic was actually light today, especially compared to yesterday. Yesterday there were a ton of people on the road. Today there weren't nearly as many though there were still quite a few. I didn't really have a problem until I got to 696. There wasn't really a problem until I tried to get off at Southfield Road. I just got a bit lost and mixed up. I got off 696 only to get back on it again. I had to go around the block and figure out where the hell I was going. I was only a little later than I thought I'd be and I was still early. While I was trying to park, I almost got hit twice while backing up. Scared the living daylights out of me. I was still early. I got settled in and started working. Today was better because I had a better idea of what to do. The kids were a lot friendlier. They were older. I think that's why. I liked them a lot better than the younger kids. They were a lot easier to deal with, although some of them were still a bit rowdy. And lunch was better because I actually had one to eat. I set it up all by myself though one of the teachers came in and helped. I was trying to be careful because one of the kids in that room was severely allergic to peanuts, milk, and shellfish, I think. Everything turned out all right. Oh yeah, they had a couple rooms open and I was in the art room. That was how I met a bunch of the kids. And one of them gave me a picture. It was so sweet!

Anyway, that afternoon, I stayed in the science room with Fabi, one of the teachers. They learned about bugs and stuff. It was fun. They split up into three or four groups and rotated. I could have moved to the different rooms, but I was happy in the science room. I got to go home early, which was nice. But I forgot my water bottle. I just emailed my boss and she said she'd rinse it out and keep it until Friday, when I work again.

Driving home was a pain in the ass. I got lost on Southfield road trying to find the freeway. I did a lot of driving around the block. I'm sure the people on the road thought I was nuts. There wasn't a lot of problems until 275. Like right before the ramp to 14, there was something going on. I'm not really sure what. A firetruck came and blocked the right lane, which is where I was, so I had to change lanes, which was hard. I was a bit less stressed after I got to 14. I finally got home. So I don't work until Friday, which is really nice. I'm glad I have the day off tomorrow. I need a break.

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