Saturday, July 10, 2010

Blogging From the Road

Greetings from De Queen, Arkansas. This is my second day here. We arrived last night after spending a day and a half on the road. It was about two ten-hour days. I am down here with my mother and my maternal grandmother for a family reunion that took place today, actually. It's been an interesting couple days.

It started on Thursday at about 7:19 in the morning when my mom came in to wake me up. My alarm wasn't going to go off until 8, but unfortunately, that was the time my mom wanted to leave. Naturally, I went back to sleep until 7:25 when my grandma, who came down the night before from Ludington got me up. I had woken up at like 4 that morning feeling a bit dizzy and was worrying that I was having a dizzy spell. I did manage to go back to sleep. when I woke up, I was still felling a bit unwell, but I still got up, got dressed, and did my last-minute packing. I made myself breakfast and got ready. I was the last one up and the second ready. My gradnma was up first at an unnaturally early time (I wish I had her habits--getting up in the morning is always really hard for me, especially now that it's summer and I have nothing better to do than sleep) and she, of course, was the first one ready. My mom was up second and the last one ready. She had to take a shower and do who knows what else. Point is: we were waiting for her. We, of course, didn't leave at 8, but that doesn't surprise me. We are not a family of efficiency. I always like leaving early and I get that from my mom's side of the family. My dad is almost never early. Nor does he leave on time. Usually. Exceptions will occur. We left at about 8:4. I got a bunch of reading done. I finished Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, though truthfully, I didn't have too much to go in that. I started working on the second book I brought: The Last Juror by John Grisham. I really like his books. He writes leagal thrillers and they're very good. We stopped at a rest area outside the city of Marshall, after about an hour, because my grandma needed to use the bathroom. It was okay because I needed to pee too. After we got back in the car, I decided to put my headphones on and listen to music. And then my mom deecided she had to listen to music too on the car radio. Loudly, I might add. But my headphones block out a good amount of noise and if I turn my music up loud enough, I can't hear the music or my grandma and mom talking.

Lunch was at Wendy's. I find it a lot easier to eat on the road now that I've gone back to eating meat. My vegitarian streak of about six years came to an end last year. I've decided that for the time being, it's just easier to eat meat. It's a bit hard to be vegitarian while living n the dorms and surviving on cafeteria food. Though Northern has a vegitarian station. I think I'll check that out this fall and while I won't totally devote myself to vegitarianism I'll at least try new things.

We drove from Michigan to Indiana, though I can't tell you which highways we took. I wasn't really paying attention. Then we drove to Illinois. We drove through several rainstorms iwth insane rain. It was a good thing my mom was driving. We stopped at a BP, though I don't exactly know where. I had no idea where we were or even what state we were in for quite a while. We could see the dark storm clouds in the distance and in the direction we were heading. Here's a photo I took at said BP:

The storm came even before we left with heavy rain and wind plus a bit of thunder and lightning. This is what the BP looked like after the storm hit:

There were a couple more rainstorms we drove through and I took a bunch of pictures of the clouds. I won't post all of them, but these are my favorites:

They aren't in any particular order. I had enough trouble getting them where I wanted in the post. I'm still very new at this. Blogging, I mean.

We stayed in Marion, Illinois, which is in the south. It was very hilly there with lots of trees. And it was really cool becaues the clouds hung low in the sky. It was kind of like being in the mountains. It stormed when we got ther eand when we went out to eat at this Mexican place down the road. My mom got a margarita and I had two sips because I wanted to try it. Didn't like it very much. Still sticking to non-alcoholic drinks. Didn't get very much sleep. Between my mom's snoring and my grandma's, it's a wonder I got any sleep at all. Plus my left arm was hruting for some reason and it also kept me awake. Plus I had caffiene, which helped keep me awake. That's all for now. Don't like feel like writing any more right now.

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