Thursday, July 1, 2010

It's Late and I'm Still Up Plotting...

I'm currently working on the planning for a novel called Holding On Until Tomorrow, something completely different from Dante's Requiem. What can I say? I have too many projects that never get done. I'm trying to get a sense of things, plotwise, and I keep getting stuck. It's a really long story. *takes deep breath*

So there's a guy named Danya who is a champion skiier. The best of the best. He has a twin named Dimitri who is not as good, but still really good. Jealous twin. Causes an accident that ends Danya's career. Danya was hurt really bad. He doesn't remember much of the accident. Does not know Dimitri is the reason he lost everything. Fast forward a couple years. Same ski resort as before. Danya is suffering from flashbacks and trying not to have a mental breakdown, which is hardly working). Meets Nick. They have a relationship. A short one. Then they part ways and meet up again a couple years later. Nick's father is killed in a car accident and he gets shipped off to San Franscisco where his mother lives (parents divorced when he was a baby). Danya remains in Michigan (where the story has taken place up until now). This is all great. Fine. I just can't, for the life of me, figure out how Danya gets to San Franscisco. Because he needs to go there so he and Nick can rekindle their relationship, the one his family doesn't approve of because they're highly religious and homosexuality is a sin in their eyes. Did I mention that Danya is almost 3 years older? Oh the drama.

So I just can't figure out how Danya gets to San Franscisco without making him out to be a total creepy stalker, because he's not a creepy stalker. And a long-distance relationship just isn't cutting it. And it's driving me crazy. He needs to go out to San Franscisco because he loves Nick and they need to have a relationship so there can be lovely drama with the family.

I already know how this is going to end and it's not going to be pretty. Why do I have to write such angsty stories?! There's no way this story is going to end happily. The good news is that I eliminated a few plot lines that weren't going anywhere, really, and created confusion. And I got rid of a character who made things eternally complicated. But I'm still stuck. Things were going so well. I have three chapters forming with more on the way. And more ideas and a general idea of where things are going. But not anymore.

And yes, it's after midnight and I'm still up plotting.

The other problem is that Bryan, a really close friend of Danya's who has helped him through all the drama he's faced with his family and stuff has randomly dropped off the face of the planet. Not to mention Danya's family and they had such a huge role in Danya's life up until the point his twin brother attempted to kill him or at least maim him enough to end his career so he could take his brother's place and win their parents' affections, not to mention all the fame and glory Danya has been enjoying plus all the moolah. And he got away with all that and I'm not sure how. I guess there weren't any witnessess or proof or something. I don't freaking know. So hopefully I'll be able to get some closure with Danya and his family when I finish fleshing out the rest of the first part of the novel.

I should really stop this because I'm tired and I don't think clearly and it's probably the reason why I'm not able to work past this little problem right now. It's not even that important because I haven't finished fleshing out the first part of the story yet. I'm doing an outline and I've only gotten to chapter 3 and all this stuff doesn't happen until later. I'm still trying to figure all that out. Danya needs to have a huge confrontation with his family (especially with Dimitri) because they were the ones who caused him to be so fucked up in the first place.

Why do the plot bunnies have to bite me so late at night? And it didn't start out this way. I suddenly realized that Nick's mom isn't married to Nick's stepfather until after Nick moves out to California to live with her--they're only dating and after Nick moves out there, they get married. And I started writing it down and now it's devolved into this. So I'm seriously hating myself right now. And I'm going to bed so I can give my poor brain a break. Me + being tired = me not being able to think coherently. As is illustrated by my above sentences which are epically run-on sentences.

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