Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Day 2 Woes

I know that today is the 3rd day of NaNoWriMo, but I never got around to posting last night because I was deep in the woes of day 2. I spent most of yesterday studying for my test-out so I didn't get much done besides that. But I passed the test-out. That's all that matters. I have another one tomorrow to make up for the one I FAILED the first time. So I'm going to be studying today. Somehow. I also have to write a 3-page scholarly paper and study for a Pharmacology test by Monday. I'm trying not to put these things off until the very last minute BUT IT'S NOT WORKING! Arrgh!

Anyway, back to my story. It went SO slowly yesterday. It was awful. One of my characters had a HUGE paragraph of dialogue explaining backstory.

Today isn 't much better.

I broke the fourth wall already. It's only day three. WTF? This is gonna be a long month.

"Aw, fuck this. I hate silences," Ayden finally said, angrily running his fingers through his short hair. "I don't care how stupid this sounds. How old are you and Keian?"
"That's a very good question. I'm not sure if the author has assigned us an age," Keian answered.
"Well pick one then," Ayden said. "It's probably irrelevant to the plot, but whatever."
"Keian and I are seveneen, mere babies in the eyes of our poeple," Kayden said. "How about you?"
"I choose to be seventeen, since the author didn't choose an age for me either," Ayden said. "Do you have any siblings, I mean, besides Keian?"
"No." Kayden shook his head. "Kayden and I are the only children."
"But you're Kayden," Ayden pointed out.
"You know what I mean!" Kayden hissed.
Ayden smirked. "It seems like the author still can't keep you two straight."
Can we get back to the story, please? Thank you.

See what I mean? Epic fail. And the NaNoWriMo website is being wonky, which REALLY annoys me.

Word count: 3, 385
Characters killed: 0
Number of Fourth Wall Breakages: 1
Cups of tea consumed: 0

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