Monday, April 26, 2010

How Time Flies!

It's almost May already. How the hell did that happen? Lots of stuff has been going on. The end of the year is always crazy because professors always want to try and cram everything in at the last minute. My 21st birthday was yesterday. I didn't go out and drink, as one might expect. My roommate and I rented videos from the library and Family Video (which was insanely cheap, by the way. If you want to rent videos cheap, go to Family Video. Their prices are wonderful) and we watched movies all day. Well, most of the day. I didn't even get up until noon, which was nice. Though I missed calls from both my parents and my grandma. Oops. But I called them back. Alyson and I watched movies for a while and then some other girls from our house came and we all went out for ice cream at this little place in downtown Marquette called Donkers. It's a nice little place. Then we came back and finished watching the movie Alyson and I had started when the others came around (they went to hike Sugar Loaf and then we planned to go out and get ice cream together), Iron Jawed Angels. It's a REALLY good movie about Alice Paul and Lucy Burns and the fight for women's suffrage. It has Hillary Swank, Anjelica Huston, and Patrick Dempsy (AKA McDreamy from Grey's Anatomy). Then we watched Sherlock Holmes, which was also a very good movie. I'd seen Iron Jawed Angels before. I hadn't seen Sherlock Holmes, though I really wanted to. And I'm glad; it was a good movie. Normally, I don't like movies based on movies (though there are some exceptions like Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings), but it was really good.

Today is gonna suck. I've got three finals and I'm hardly prepared. I did get the written part of my French final done. Now I just have to memorize the five minute conversation for the oral part and maybe study the vocabulary for the other part of the oral part. I have my porfolio completely done and ready to turn in. The essay has been done for ages and I did some half-assed revisions for my two stories. So that's done. I just have to find time to study for my ASL final that's from 6-8. It's a signing quiz so I'm pretty screwed. Maybe. I never remember the signs for everything. This has the potential to be bad. But first, I've gotta memorize this stupid conversation we had to make up. By "we" I mean my partner and me. She's a really nice girl. I'm glad I didn't get one of the dumb kids (there are several in this class).

Sunday, April 11, 2010


I've decided that I'm going to start sifting through all the pictures I have on my computer and start uploading them here, in my blog. It's going to be a long, very slow process, because there are a lot of pictures. I probably won't post all of them, but I'll post a lot of them. Some of them are mine that I've taken and some are taken by others. I'll make sure to distinguish which are which. I'm also gonna start talking about my past, things that have happened to me. And I'll upload the pictures as I go along. Some of it won't be easy for me to talk about, so I'll do my best.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Microsoft Excel for Dummies

Yeah, I'm totally not doing my homework right now. I started counting how much money I've got stashed at the moment to see how much more I need to hoard before I can afford a PSP plus the Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep game, which, according to Amazon, doesn't come out until December 31st. It took me a while to work with Microsoft Excel because it's been years since I've used that program. I took a Computer Applications class in high school that taught me how to use Excel, but it was years ago, and I haven't really used Excel since then, at least not to the degree that I needed today. I found an E-Book about Microsoft Excel 97, which is ten years older than the version I had, but I found what I needed. According to the spreadsheet made, I have $68.46 in both bills and coins that I've stashed away. The combined price for the PSP and game is over $200, so I have a while to go. I have some more coins stashed away at home, plus some more bills. Plus, I'm planning to seel back almost all my textbooks at the end of the semester, so I'm hoping to make some cash from that. Plus I'm getting a job this summer and although my parents expect me to help pay for college next semester, I'm still going to stash away some money so I can buy this. Because I REALLY REALLY want this. Hopefully, I'll be able to get it.

What To Do When Boredom Sets In

I was going through files on my external hard drive and deleting some of the ones that I no longer need because I'm running out of space on there and I found this, which I set as my new computer background:

Yes, it's from Kingdom Hearts. I'm a big Kingdom Hearts fan. I got the first game a couple years ago for Christmas and I instantly fell in love with it. It was SO freaking awesome! And then II came out and I got even more excited. Especially when Axel was introduced. I LOVE Axel. And then...well I won't spoil it for anyone who hasn't played the game, but I cried. Not much, but I did tear up a bit. Then Re Chain of Memories came out and I got even more excited because Zexion was introduced. My other favorite Org. member. And it had even more Axel, which made me happy. Even though...well I won't spoil it. And then 358/2 Days came out and I was SO excited but then sad because I don't have a DS and so I can't play the game for myself. And finally,Birth By Sleep is coming out and, um....IT HAS THE ORIGINAL FORMS OF THE FIRST EIGHT ORGANZATION MEMBERS (Xemnas through Axel) AND IENZO IS SO FREAKING ADORABLE!! It's already out in Japan, so I know all this. It's supposed to come out in the US this summer, but I don't have a PSP so unless I buy a PSP and get the game, I won't be able to play it. But seriously. Ienzo is SO freaking adorable!!

I didn't realize exactly how young Ienzo was until I saw this. I knew he was young, but not *this* young. I mean, he's like 8. And all the others are all grown up. I'm guessing they're in their thirties and forties. Apparently, Ienzo's parents died and he was adopted by Ansem the Wise. That's what I've heard so far, but there's no confirmation until the English version comes out sometime this summer.

There's Even, the Other, I guess you'd say, of Vexen. It's what Vexen looked like before he lost his heart. I have no idea what the text says I don't read Japanese, though I actually am trying to teach myself. Maybe one day....

Ack, I'm getting really distracted here. I have a ton of reading to do for my Celtic Lit class.

I'm seriously considering trying to get a PSP so I can buy this game. I was originally going to get a DS and 358/2 Days, but I think I want this one now. I can't decide. I hate being broke. ;___;

Friday, April 2, 2010

Time For a Rant About Laundry

Yeah, it's time for a rant about doing laundry in the dorms. It sucks so much. There's just nothing good about it. Except that here, at least, we don't have to pay. Up at Tech, they apparently have to pay for each load. But it still really sucks. There are three washers and four driers. We have to share the laundry facility with Springfield, the other house on the first floor, an all-guys house. I live in an all-girls house. Believe me, I'm glad I am. I don't think I'd be able to stand living in a co-ed house. They're co-ed by suite, meaning there are two rooms that share a bathroom and they're shared by the same gender, so I wouldn't share a bathroom with someone of the opposite gender. But still. I wouldn't like living in a co-ed house. I'm happy here in Playground in the all-girls house. Well, it's all girls plus Brad, but he doesn't live there, he just has his office there. Brad is the Building and Grounds guy. Really great guy. His office is right across the hall from my room.

But anyway, back to the laundry thing. There are three washers and four driers and they're always breaking. And people don't know how to do laundry. Guys are the worst. Twice today, there's been laundry left around. Two of the washers had clothes left in them, there were clothes on the table, and clothes on the ironing board (though someone did come to claim those while I was in there). Due to the fact that the other two working driers were already being used and the third had clothes left in there, I took it upon myself to dump the clothes on the table so I could use the drier. They didn't leave a room number on the board (which is another thing that really annoys me) so I had no choice but to dump it on the table. I always get up early to do my laundry because that way, I have a choice of which washer/drier to use (though not today) and I don't have to worry about there being no open ones (though not today). I'm going to go talk to my RA Kendra about the laundry thing because it's getting really annoying.

She's sleeping right now. I'm not gonna wake her. If it gets too much worse, I'll talk to her. It's not really bad right now, but if it gets worse I definetly will. Ugh, now I've gotta start working on my homework.

Happiness is a New Pair of Sweat Pants

I got the house sweatpants I ordered a couple weeks ago. They're really nice. They're royal blue with "Playground Hunnies" down the side in white. Playground is the name of the house I live in in the the dorms. And I got them just in time to throw in the wash with the rest of my clothes. I haven't worn my sweatpants for a while because they smell musty from being in my drawer for so long. So I'm washing them. And I'm washing both sets of pajamas as well. One I wear all the time and one hasn't been worn because they consist of a shirt and a pair of capris, not really something you can get away with wearing in the middle of winter up here in Marquette. But we're starting to get warmer so I figure I can start wearing them. Now I have three pairs of sweatpants. I like my sweatpants. My laundry is calling. I hate doing laundry in the dorms. Maybe a rant later about that.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Weekend of Hell

This weekend is not going to be fun at all. My roommate went home for the weekend; she got a ride from someone in our house and so she'll be gone until Sunday I think. I'm not quite sure. Even so, it's not going to be a very fun weekend. I have SO much homework to do it's insane.

For Monday, I have to read and mark up several drafts for workshop and do the ones I didn't do for the previous workshop (I ran out of time because I was scrambling to get my long story done for workshop) and I have to type up a formal response to each draft, about half a page long, and print out two copies, one for the writer, and one for the professor. My printer is dry after printing off 18 copies of my long story for workshop, but luckily, I found another cartriage of ink in my bottom desk drawer so I don't have to go up to Target to get a new one like I thought I would. I also have a huge-ass in-class assignment for ASL that I have to study for because I didn't do well on the last one. It's like 60 points or so. And I also have a quiz in that class on the presentations that we did. I have to study because I didn't do well on that one either.

Then for Tuesday, I have a quiz in my Celtic Lit class on three sections of which I've only read one. So I have to read the other two sections. And I also have to read an entire freaking memoir. It's 245 pages. There are a couple pages of pictures, but still. It's a lot. And I also have a quiz in French that afternoon. So basically, I'm screwed.

I'm skipping French right now so I can get a head start on my homework. So far, I got this reading review assignment for my ASL class done that's due on Saturday. We have to post it online. I'm about to start working on the EN400 readings.

So yeah, I'm skipping French. She's giving us a large portion of the time to work on our group projects for the Children's Museum, so I'm skipping. I hate the project and I hate my group, so, whatever. I just don't fucking care. I have more important things to worry about, such as aforementioned long list of homework/assignments/reading.

Got a package from the 'rents today with Easter candy for my roommate and me. I left hers on her desk so she can have it when she gets back. I was going to call them and thank them, but then I realized that I was supposed to be in French so I'm going to wait until that class ends at 3:40 before calling them. I don't want them to know that I'm skipping French because they probably wouldn't approve. But like I said, I don't fucking care. It's the first time I've skipped a class this semester, which is pretty good because it's almost the end of the semester. I have a good habit of going to class so I'm not concerned about missing one class period.

Ugh, my homework awaits. And it's such a nice day today too.