Monday, April 26, 2010

How Time Flies!

It's almost May already. How the hell did that happen? Lots of stuff has been going on. The end of the year is always crazy because professors always want to try and cram everything in at the last minute. My 21st birthday was yesterday. I didn't go out and drink, as one might expect. My roommate and I rented videos from the library and Family Video (which was insanely cheap, by the way. If you want to rent videos cheap, go to Family Video. Their prices are wonderful) and we watched movies all day. Well, most of the day. I didn't even get up until noon, which was nice. Though I missed calls from both my parents and my grandma. Oops. But I called them back. Alyson and I watched movies for a while and then some other girls from our house came and we all went out for ice cream at this little place in downtown Marquette called Donkers. It's a nice little place. Then we came back and finished watching the movie Alyson and I had started when the others came around (they went to hike Sugar Loaf and then we planned to go out and get ice cream together), Iron Jawed Angels. It's a REALLY good movie about Alice Paul and Lucy Burns and the fight for women's suffrage. It has Hillary Swank, Anjelica Huston, and Patrick Dempsy (AKA McDreamy from Grey's Anatomy). Then we watched Sherlock Holmes, which was also a very good movie. I'd seen Iron Jawed Angels before. I hadn't seen Sherlock Holmes, though I really wanted to. And I'm glad; it was a good movie. Normally, I don't like movies based on movies (though there are some exceptions like Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings), but it was really good.

Today is gonna suck. I've got three finals and I'm hardly prepared. I did get the written part of my French final done. Now I just have to memorize the five minute conversation for the oral part and maybe study the vocabulary for the other part of the oral part. I have my porfolio completely done and ready to turn in. The essay has been done for ages and I did some half-assed revisions for my two stories. So that's done. I just have to find time to study for my ASL final that's from 6-8. It's a signing quiz so I'm pretty screwed. Maybe. I never remember the signs for everything. This has the potential to be bad. But first, I've gotta memorize this stupid conversation we had to make up. By "we" I mean my partner and me. She's a really nice girl. I'm glad I didn't get one of the dumb kids (there are several in this class).

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